DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface) is an addressable communication protocol for use in lighting control. It is an open standard and is supported by many manufacturers of lighting control gear, including all the major ballast manufacturers. It is similar to DSI (Digital Serial Interface), but whereas DSI can only broadcast commands to all lighting connected to it (eg “everything to 70%”), DALI can additionally address individual fittings. As well as allowing individual control this also allows devices to be queried for individual status, such as lamp and emergency lighting test failures.

Although originally designed to accommodate a single “master” which controlled everything connected to it, more recent extensions to the DALI protocol now allow it to support sensors and switches. Even so, in a large scale deployment (and many smaller ones), DALI is generally combined with other lighting systems such as LON, C-Bus or KNX.

More Solutions have experience of DALI systems from multiple suppliers and in multiple applications, including integration with other systems.

For more information about DALI systems or if you have a DALI application that you wish to have installed or integrated, contact More Solutions on 0844 251 1450.